If you've explored Dutch culture, chances are you've encountered the iconic snack wall: a vending machine located at snack bars that dispense hot and mainly fried snacks. The ultimate grab-and-go solution, using Dutch practicality and love for tasty treats.

Sure, bitterballen and frikandellen get all the fame, but the snack wall has plenty of hidden gems waiting to be discovered.

Ready to level up your snack game? Here are 5 must-try Dutch snacks you probably haven't experienced yet!

Mini kroket burgers

Imagine a classic burger but with a Dutch twist. The mini kroket burgers are all small buns filled with crispy kroket, curry ketchup, lettuce, and pickles. It's a great snack for when you want more than just a traditional ''broodje kroket''.

Bitterbal nachos

If you're a fan of bitterballen and nachos, you will love this snack! You get a few bitterballen topped with cheese, onions, pickles and curry ketchup and mayo. This snack is ideal for sharing with others.

Stroopwafel kroket

Dutch people have a knack for adding stroopwafels to about anything, and this snack is no exception. The stroopwafel kroket. This kroket is filled with warm caramel and coated with crumbled stroopwafels. It might sound like an odd combination, but it actually tastes really great. The sweet and savory contrast is surprisingly harmonious!

Frikandel wrap

A snack that is both unconventional and portable; the frikandel wrap. It is a wrap filled with chopped frikandel pieces, mayo, curry ketchup, and chopped onions. Although opinions on this dish might be divided, you can't deny it's convenience. Personally, it's not my favorite, but it's worth trying at least once!

Stroopwafel pita

This one you've got to try! It's warm pieces of stroopwafel inside a soft pita with whipped cream and caramel syrup. While it's undeniably sweet, it's also incredibly satisfying. Perfect for anyone with a sweet tooth, this snack just tastes really great.

Don't forget broodje lariekoek

Before you start hunting down these snacks at your local snack wall, let me tell you a little secret; none of these dishes actually exist! What is a broodje lariekoek you might ask? Well, absolutely nothing. It's made up; the name lariekoek literally translates to nonsense, making it a playful jab at the rest of this list. That's right; these dishes don't actually exist!

But, even though these dishes are fictional, some of them sounded so good that I actually tried making them, and guess what? Some were surprisingly delicious! The frikandel wrap, in particular, turned out really great. So why not try them yourself?

You might just create the next Dutch snack wall sensation.

Eet smakelijk!