Written by Tirza van der Laan

Many people have owned a pet once in their lifetime. Apart from the animal itself, your pet is most certainly your best friend both in the house and always ready to cheer you up on a bad day. Having a little animal spirit walking around in your home has numerous proven benefits and is a common phenomenon in our society. Only certain animals are evolved to be able to tame. The most common pets are a dog, a cat, and a bunny, and that has a reason. However, why do we not experiment with other animals? Letโ€™s think out of the box and try something original, right?  

Starting the list with an animal similar to a hamster; what about a hedgehog! Small, quiet, and very cute. With the proper treatment and care, a hedgehog is a suitable option for becoming a pet. They are awake during the night. That fits perfectly, right? Your sleep schedule is already screwed so letโ€™s enjoy their company during the night. Pay attention though, the little creatures like to discover and will probably crawl into your pile of dirty clothes on the ground. Wasnโ€™t today your laundry day? 

Have a look at larger animals, once that you wonโ€™t accidentally step on. Lambs are so adorable! They have soft wool, are super friendly and hold a playful attitude. The only problem is that these animals should be kept in flocks due to loneliness. And, unfortunately, ten of these little energetic lambs will use your room as a playground and confuse your trendy dried flowers for delicious hay.  

Okay, letโ€™s think out of the box a bit more; what about a bear? Seems fluffy and cuddlable. It will be a perfect company to support you during your mental breakdown because of the massive university workload. Even though itโ€™s been stated grizzlies arenโ€™t aggressive, letโ€™s stick to the stuffed ones shall we. A larger bird perhaps? A pelican! Thatโ€™s original. No wait, the whole crew of Finding Nemo will be included as well. Why you shouldnโ€™t keep an elephant is obvious; too large for your little student room. A cheetah then...? At least you catch up with your two years of skipped cardio. Fainting goats will pass out when seeing you in your underwear. Meerkats will create a larger corridor system than just an escape out of your student bunker. Last, but most importantly, do not keep a human in your room. Self-explanatory. 

All in all, thinking about original pets is never something to avoid fully; there are some reasonable options if you properly consider the care they need. However, hopefully, this provides enough evidence to convince you that the traditional pets are elite and kept for a reason!:) 

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