Radio, someone still loves you. That’s what Queen sang in their song ‘Radio Gaga.’ And it’s true. There are many students at BUas’ who still love to learn about it.

Three of these students are Ilske, Claudia and Robin, who are in their third year of International Media and Entertainment Management. For the course Production House, they were supposed to spend hours in the BUas’ studio in the Frontier building. Unfortunately, they now have to build their shows from home. But that doesn’t ruin the party. These three ambitious students worked their asses off and were on the air with their radio show every week. The so-called ‘Spotlight Show’ aired every Friday at 11 AM but is also available on SoundCloud.

How did you come up with ‘The Spotlight Show?’

Ilske: “There are many creative people at our school. They have dreams, start their own companies, try to find success. And we want to highlight these exact people. We want to give these young creators a stage and we love to hear from them what they already accomplished at this young age.”

Robin: “With that, we ask for tips and inside information. Since they just started to be successful, they can give useful advice. It’s all really fresh for them. The goal is to help people who have the same dreams, with advice from these young creators.”

Hence the name Spotlight. What kind of people do you invite to share their wisdom?

Ilske: “We try to invite people from as many different branches as we can. We’ve had a singer-songwriter on the show, but also an actress, fashion influencer, producer, and entrepreneur.”

Claudia: “And not to forget; we also interviewed each other!”

What was one of the best tips?

Claudia: “My personal favorite tip was the one Zoe Love Smith gave. She’s a singer-songwriter and said that not everything needs to be perfect. The key is to just do it, and you don’t even have to follow the rules. If you want your song to start with the bridge, just start with the bridge.”

Robin: “I thought it was really impressive that our guests not only talked about the glitz and the glamour of their careers. They also showed us how hard it can be with all the pressure of constantly having or wanting to create something.”

What can the listener expect from your show?

Ilske: “We divide our show into sections. In the first section, we get to know our guests. We ask them some questions, but we also let them teach us something. In the meantime, we play songs they like and that fit the theme. We make sure our guests give us all the practical information needed.”

Claudia: “And to top it off, we have a gossip round. We ask whether some juicy details are true or not, and make sure we get all the tea to spill!”

Robin: “In the second part of our show, we focus more on music. We have several rubrics, including trending creations, Spotlight songs and we end with the Fun Factory, in which Claudia gives us facts about music and we guess whether it is true or not.”

And why should they listen?

Robin: “Because you will definitely learn something. If you like to learn about the media and entertainment industry, our show will be very interesting. Also, we give you many interesting music facts that you can use at birthday parties, haha! Oh, and you should listen if you need to develop a better taste for music like Ilske!

Ilske, can you explain?

Ilske: “Well, when I started studying IMEM, my taste in music was so basic. And due to the Spotlight Show, I have a completely new interest in different types of music. I’m even surprised at myself for how boring my taste was. So yes, the Spotlight Show will definitely expose you to something new!”

And on that note, you should really check this amazing show out! You can find all episodes on SoundCloud. And if you want to know more about the hosts, you can follow their Instagram pages!

Claudia: @clodje_

Robin: @robinswaanen

Ilske: @ilskevanlooij