Since quarantine has started, allot of people including students are advised to study and work from home. This can be challenging because we’re used to having multiple places we can study, work or create. Nevertheless, we don’t want our work to pile up and we still got to give into our creative urges. In the following article you will find ways of finding your own method of maintaining or increasing productivity!

A comfortable workspace

If you’re used to working on long and ongoing projects, you probably know that a clean and tidy workspace just works more pleasing. This could either be digitally or just at a standard desk in your house. It is proven that the clearer your workspace is, the calmer your mind is operating. Which leaves open space for more creativity or clarity.

A morning routine

Getting a morning routine will help you finding a balance in your day to day life. It could be as small as doing some push-ups in your room or taking a short walk in your neighbourhood. Avoid snoozing your phone and try to get up right away. The fact that your body feels like it accomplished something, psychologically makes you feel more motivated and exited to get something else done.

Eating healthy

Even though this sounds very mom-like, eating healthy has various benefits in your day-to-day life. It can improve your mood, mental state and overall attitude. You can view it as the fuel that drives your body throughout the day. This is now more important than ever. By eating healthy you will build up a strong immune system or allow your body to recover quicker when ill. So, keep your fridge stacked up with fruits and veggies. Peanuts are also a great from of a midday snack as they provide energy.

Staying in touch with friends

Talking to my loved ones is something that keeps me motivated and drives me to be the best version of myself. Whenever talking to friends, you want to have something new to talk about. By talking about these things you’ll be able to get new insights or motivation to finish a past project.

Taking breaks

When working on a large project it’s very important to take breaks every now and then as well. It's easy to overwork yourself and this leads to being less motivated to finish some work. That’s why sometimes you should plan in a moment to take a break from what you’re doing and relax your mind. In these moments of rest, you will be able to recharge your imaginative battery so to say and perhaps come up with even better ideas to finalize a certain project.
