To the uninitiated it may seem a bit silly to discuss the possibility of the Law of Attraction existing. There are billions of success stories connected to this law and I am sure you’ve all experienced this even without noticing. You may think of this as a taboo topic, but believe me, the world is talking about it more and more.

This will give you control over your life that you never thought you had.

Let me begin by saying that this is a truly deep topic. In this article we will only be able to go through the surface of it and maybe develop your curiosity about it. Most of you don’t realise that we as human beings have the power and ability to build our own life the way we like, depending on what we focus on. Consciously or subconsciously we actually manifested the life we are currently living. Some of you may have heard of manifestation, but for those who haven’t, here is a simple explanation. It is the process of putting something into your physical reality through beliefs, thoughts and feelings. Sounds like magic or just straight up nonsense, right? Well, a part of what makes manifesting effective is actually believing in it. A good start would be reading the book “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne. There is also a movie based on it. Here is the trailer.

Energy, we are all energy.

Basically, everything in this world is made out of energy including me and you. Everything is constantly in motion and is vibrating on different frequencies. It is like saying “I like your vibe” because you can subconsciously feel that you and the other person are connecting while vibrating on a similar level. Higher levels of vibration are caused by a positive attitude and they are much more powerful than lower levels caused by negative thinking. You are what you attract. You attract what you think, feel or believe. Instead of thinking “I will believe it when I see it” you should shift your thinking to “I will see it when I believe it”. You first have to believe something is going to happen and let your mind think of what you want as something possible and achievable.

Adjust your mindset.

Don’t think about how it should be done step by step. Don’t think about all the problems you are going to have to go through for it to happen. Believe it is possible and start acting as if it is already true. Fake it till you make it is actually applicable in this case. You really need to not only act as if what you want is already a fact but also start feeling like the person who already has that car or who bought that house. Trick your mind into believing you are successful, you are healthy, you are happy, you are nice to people and they are nice to you, you are content with yourself and you are achieving your goals one by one. The law of attraction is readjusting your focus from the negative thoughts and aspects in your life to all the positive ones and the ones which you should be grateful for. Gratefulness is how you “pay” for all the good in your life that has been brought by the Universe. The more grateful you feel, the more positive you are about everything that surrounds you. The more positive you are the more positive things you attract in your life.

Your favourite celebrities do it too!

Many celebrities confirm their practice of the law and they are achieving goals because of it. Let me give you some examples. The one and only Oprah we all love and respect has a strong relationship with the law of attraction which she mentions in a lot of her interviews, such as this one. A quote of hers is “The way you believe creates reality for yourself”. Another law of attraction advocate is Jim Carrey who wrote himself a fake $10 million check dated 5 years in the future, which he kept in his wallet only for it to be a real check 5 years later when he got the news that he is going to earn $10 million from “Dumb & Dumber”. Here is an interview of him talking about the law. In an interview with Lady Gaga she talked about how she would repeat to herself that she’s famous even if she wasn’t. She stayed loyal to her vision for years until it eventually materialised. Her method is to “repeat it to yourself every day. […] And it’s not yet, it’s a lie. You’re saying a lie over and over and over again, and then, one day the lie is true”. Will Smith has been talking about it in many of his interviews like this one. The last example I want to give you guys is Ariana Grande who actually just released a song about the law of attraction called “Just Like Magic”. Here is some information about the song.

In conclusion, if so many celebrities, artists and people who achieved so much in their life are practicing the law of attraction and are its advocates, why wouldn’t you give it a shot?