I am aware that most of us probably aren’t what people call a “morning person”. As people connected to a university in one way or another, however, we don’t really have a choice. We have to wake up early and we have to look alive. I sure know I wasn’t a morning person up until recently. In fact, I hated mornings with a burning passion. If you still call waking up at 11 am a morning, of course. But I believe I am on the right track to change that. In this article, I will share with you what makes my mornings less annoying and how you can make yours better!

A sad sad start...

You actually have to wake up early. Horrible, right? I know that this one is obvious and you probably wanted to avoid it but it is necessary. I don’t mean wake up at 6 am and watch the sunrise. I mean wake up at a normal time like around 8-9 am. Sleeping in is so last year. If you wake up a bit earlier, you will immediately notice how much more time you seem to have for everything and how much longer your day appears to be. This is especially beneficial for me during the winter when the days last like 5 hours and the sun sets at 4 pm. And yeah, don’t sleep your only life away. You will have plenty of time for that when you are dead. Ha!

Form a new habit

Forming a habit that you have to do right when you wake up will force you to not fall asleep immediately. This can be anything- drinking water, meditating, taking your vitamins, and so on. Personal hygiene is an already formed habit and it does not count! Don’t cheat! Personally, I think meditation is a wonderful way to start and end your days. Also, your unconscious mind is working the most, kinda, when you are falling asleep or waking up. So, it is the best time to do it. Before I thought meditating was some sort of a weird hippie thing that didn’t even deserve my attention. Well, I was very wrong. It is one of the things that clears my mind and helps with my overworked brain a lot. I suggest looking into Headspace on Netflix, Youtube, or even the app because guided meditation is where it is at! Period.

Make your bed!!!

I probably spend around 20 years of my life not making my bed in the morning. It literally made no sense to me since I was going to lay in it more during the day. Well, little did I know that is the point. You make your bed so you don’t spend the next 2 hours in it. It also tricks your mind that you are being extremely productive from the morning, which sets your mood for the rest of the day.

Listen to some music

Not everything has to be some type of a chore, right. Listening to your favourite music is a great, and I repeat, a great way to start your day. It immediately makes you feel happier and more energetic. A little dancing doesn’t hurt either, but I am not going to pressure you. I suggest doing that while you brush your teeth or your hair, make some coffee, or even from the moment you wake up. Just give it a try and tell me you don’t feel better. I dare you!

These were some tips and rituals that have the potential to change your life if you let them. Cause I did. I do no longer wake up at noon feeling awful and irritable. I no longer reach for my phone barely awake like some sort of addict. And I do not lay in bed an extra hour everyday just to sleep more or to check where miss Kylie is vacationing this time. Cause those stuff do not matter. The process won’t be easy or extremely enjoyable from the start but you must keep it up. That is the trick.