Welcome Feng shui into your home

Feng shui is a powerful Chinese science dating back more than 3000 years. The meaning behind the combination of the words “Feng” (wind) and “Shui” (water) is associated with good fortune. It is based on the Taoist belief that the land is living and breathing just like us, and it is filled with especially strong energy, called Chi. Simply said, the beliefs of feng shui are that your environment is a powerful factor for your well-being. By positioning your surroundings, like your furniture and possessions, in harmony with the principles of feng shui, you will balance the Chi. This balance will invite health and luck into your life. Wondering how to do all of that? Well, here are some easy principles, that can change your life!

1. Check the doors

The doors are believed to be portals to the opportunities life has to offer to us. Make sure you do not have a bunch of stuff behind the door, which would prevent you to open it freely. Also, check if the doors are in a good state – you do not want to hear a squeaking sound every time you touch it. If you have problems like those, you are closing your portal to opportunities.

2. Keep your windows clean

The windows are the eyes of the home for adults and the voice for the kids. It is crucial to clean them on a regular basis. They are the source of sunlight for your house and the light invites harmony and vibrancy into your life.

3. Mind the mirrors

A mirror facing your bed or a big mirror in the bedroom is not advisable according to the principles of feng shui. Mirrors reflecting your body while you are sleeping might soak up your inner energy. Big mirrors might invite the energy of sorrow into the room.

4. Take good care of your plants

Plants are considered a source of life energy, our very own bit of nature indoors. They bring vibrancy and positive flow to our home.

5. Keep your entry tidy

The front door is considered the mouth of Chi. In order to attract good energies into your home, you need to welcome them properly. Keep the space around your front door tidy and clean. Do not leave useless things in the way of the positive energies!

6. Leave out some space

A basic law of feng shui is to be spacious. Remove all those unnecessary things from your home. You can easily start by cleaning your nightstand, for example. This way you leave space for the new things that wish to come into your life.

Apply the powerful principles of feng shui and feel the change!