6 months ago

Gen G podcast S1E1

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Apple: if you have never heard of it you are either under the age of 5 or not from this planet. Why?Because of Apple’s branding everyone knows about the tech company. In this EP we talk aboutApple’s branding, and more specifically; greenwashing. Because, what is branding? What is greenwashing? And is Apple really doing the best they can to be more sustainable?Lets dive into this with BUas’ Games & Media Assen Panov and Devlin van Doormalen to find out! Want to read the same article that we read for this episode? CLICK HERE

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May 19, 2023

Breaking Bias EP5: Women belong in the kitchen

HUB presents the fifth episode of Breaking Bias! The podcast all about preconceived opinions. Join our witty and opinionated hosts as they dive headfirst into a new prejudice […]
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