6 months ago

Gen G podcast S1E2

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Coldplay Concerts are known for beingabsolutely INCREDIBLE! Good vibes, good music,and a good performance! And even better, theydo everything in their power to make theirconcerts as sustainable as possible! This has ledthe band to reduce their carbon footprint by59%. However, is that really the case? Is itpossible for such a HUGE production to reducetheir carbon footprint with more than 50%? Letsdive into this with BUas’ Leisure & EventsFereshteh Adi Saatlo Anzures and XavierDoelmoengin to find out! Want to read the same article that we read for this episode? CLICK HERE

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December 22, 2022

After 7 years of law school Niek still chose to chase his passion for music

While most law students start their career as a lawyer after studying for 7 years, Niek decided after he graduated to focus completely on his passion: Music! Niek […]
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