As students we’ve all had our share of cleaning out a dead plant. For some reasons no matter how much attention or water we give them, we fail to keep them alive. That’s why todays you’ll be learning 5 new tips on how to keep plants looking and feeling healthy!

The right soil

When planting new seeds, it is import that the soil contains nutrients which allow the seed to grow. This is even more important when repotting already grown plants. Every plant is also different, so you will need the right soil for the right plant in this case.

Watering your plants

When watering plants it’s important to give them just the right amount. A problem I faced often in my early stages, is that I gave the plants top much water. That’s why having a pot with drainage holes is also essential for plans in the early stages. Usually they come with a plant pad to catch the excess water, or you could find these at your local gardening specialist. Some plants need more water than others, that’s why you have to check the soil often by placing a clean finger in the soil and check the dampness.

Dust them off

Plants usually sit in a room and if you’re like me, you probably don’t move them often. That’s why it’s advised to take a soft damped cloth to wipe the dust off the leaf’s and stems if needed. Be careful not to put too much pressure on the plant though, as some can be very delicate or fragile. If you have a cactus, just use a small duster and use gentle strokes.

Provide them light

A plant will not grow the way it should without any light. Meaning, if you put the plant in a dark place like a closet or on a tall shelf, chances are he won’t do so well. Plants need light to thrive and grow. So, make sure you put him near some sunny rays to make him grow proper. In other words, you want your plants to flourish and bloom, make sure you keep them in a well-lit environment.

Learn about your plants

Like humans, every plant has specific needs and preferences. This is important to keep into account when getting or receiving new plants. If the label on the plants doesn’t explain it do a quick google search or download an app like ‘Picture This’ to identify and find out more about your plants.