Ditch the travel worries and let the adventure begin! Here's your passport to a stress-free airport travel.

If you’ve ever travelled somewhere by a plane, you know, that airports can be a real headache. From too much luggage to no place to sit, any small inconvenience can quickly turn the trip upside down, especially if you’re travelling with a friend group for the first time. As an international student and someone who genially loves traveling, I have put together 5 tips I make sure to never miss out on my trip.
1. Which seat to pick?
I know what you’re thinking, "Not another pitch for the window seat". Rest assured; Ryanair hasn’t hired me – yet. It is common for everyone to assume that the window seat is the best option, however I have a tactic. For all short flights, the window seat is for sure a great pick, but longer flights are where the issues accrue. When you will desperately need to use the super clean bathroom, your neighbours will be sleeping like a baby and we all know you can’t wake up a baby, so enjoy your suffering. Aisle seat will give you the luxury of becoming the baby, and even more space to stretch out your legs!
2. Way too much hand luggage.

Unless you’re living under a rock, I am sure you have all heard of how cheap airlines are just waiting for you to show up with an extra bag at the gate. Two years ago, I unlocked a secret, airlines are hiding from us. But let’s get things clear first. Before you board the plane, you must go through security. They do not care about how many bags you are carrying; they are only interested in the important stuff. After that it’s the duty-free shopping where each passenger (of any airline) is allowed to bring one extra bag from the shops. And finally, when boarding they will check your baggage and if you have the duty free bag. Now my favourite trick when running out of space is to fill a plastic bag from the grocery store with my clothes at home, go through security and in duty free shops buy the smallest thing but ask for a big bag. Last step is to put the clothes from your bag to the duty free one and you are saved!
3. Are lounges worth it?
If you plan on eating and drinking at the airport, I always recommend a lounge. Day passes on airports throughout Europe cost around 30EUR (although you can’t always buy it so check on the airports website before you decide). For that amount of money, you get drinks and food unlimited, and that is including the alcohol! You also get a lot more of peace and quiet plus a seat that is actually comfortable!

4. Waiting area is full.
Airports are getting busier and busier, so finding a place to wait at can be tricky. Head to the board with an overview of all flights. You will have to do some math, but look for the flight (with a known gate) that leaves the latest, and head over there. Most of the time there will be a seat waiting for you!
5. Take your time
Finally, you have an assigned seat on the plane. There is no need to be the first in line when boarding opens. The plane won’t go without calling your name on the speakerphone first. And by boarding as one of the last passengers, there are more chances you will get to pick a seat where the whole row isn’t full.