You may have investigated methods to learn how to cope with stress and anxiety, and not have found anything that suits your situation. For this reason, the BLEND team gathered some of the most unusual alternative stress-coping methods that can help you deal with this state of mind. In this article, we will focus on two activities of which their helpfulness might surprise you.  

Animal Therapy 

Interacting with animals has been considered, by many neurologists and psychologists, an extremely effective way to help patients who are undertaking psychiatric therapy sessions. The animals that seem to be the most effective and adaptable to such a role are the ultimate best friends of men: dogs. It is not new that dogs are often trained to aid people with difficulties. The figure of the service dog is now an established and effective method to help people with physical issues, visual or hearing difficulties and even diabetes. However, in this article, we will focus on dogs that are trained to help people psychologically, therapy dogs. A therapy dog is a dog which is trained to react and respond to people and their environment under the guidance of their owner. Moreover, therapy dogs can be a great bridge during conventional therapies between psychiatrist and patient, in order to create a less threatening atmosphere and possibly increase the connection between therapist and patient. Many researchers have found that animal therapy can be positive for university students who experience stress and anxiety. Having an intimate moment with such animals can help separate yourself from daily stress and social anxiety. Additionally, learning how to approach dogs and interact with them can help with building confidence to better approach social situations, increase empathy and interpersonal skills. Most of these practices are often offered by non-profit organizations or volunteers. Of course, dogs are not the only animals that can provide this sort of support. Cats, even if they seem to avoid human contact at times, are great companions and moral supporters. 


For many students, cooking is their worst enemy. Having to think about what to eat every day and trying to keep a healthy and varied diet can be a real challenge. However, it has been proven that cooking can be extremely effective as a stress reliever and relaxer. The main reason why could be connected to the nature of the creative processes that lays behind the art of cooking. Although, for some people cooking represent a necessity, for others cooking is a great way to express themselves, their identity and personality. For many, food carries an emotional connection. It is a way to celebrate special occasions, observe cultural practices, or even serve as a comfort in sickness or mourning. Because cooking engages our senses, it has the ability to activate memories. The smell of a dish might remind you of your grandmother’s house, or perhaps your favorite restaurant or vacation. Allowing yourself to be immersed in these memories as you cook is a therapeutic way to relieve stress and boost your mood. Moreover, cooking is a wonderful method to let your creativity flow. Combining different styles or worldwide cultural elements allows you to create new dishes. Next time you go to a grocery store, search for an exotic vegetable or fruit, or something else you are not familiar with, and explore all the different tastes and combinations you can get from it. While there is value in a nutrient-rich meal, not everything you cook has to be “healthy.” Prepare meals you are excited and interested in making. If you’re only picking dishes that you know you will not enjoy, then what is supposed to be a stress-releasing activity can quickly turn into a draining, overwhelming exercise.  In conclusion, cooking can be a great way to reconnect with your personal memories and traditions, and it still offers ways to express yourself through creativity and experimentation. 

If you are interested in more alternative ways to cope with stress and anxiety, check out the latest edition of BLEND magazine!