If you’ve ever had a protein smoothie you probably know that the protein powder can have a very weird taste to it, so I’m going to tell you how I manage to make it taste good.

What you need:
- Vanilla protein powder (I use the egg protein from XXL Nutrition)
- Water
- Frozen strawberries
- Frozen orange

How to:
I start by adding 200ml water into a blender, and to that I add two scoops (about 30g) of protein powder. Then I blend this until there’s no protein powder chunks left.
Once I’ve done this I add 100g of frozen strawberries, and 50g of frozen orange. You can use fresh strawberries and orange as well but I prefer the frozen ones because they keep your smoothie nice and cold, and it tastes better when it’s cold.
Once all the ingredients are added it’s time to blend until it is a smooth consistency.

Now you can put your smoothie in a cup and enjoy!