I’ve recently tried to step into the wondrous world of healthy eating, but it’s been quite a journey. I used to just eat bread with chocolate paste for breakfast, but I wanted to change that into something better, so I picked oatmeal. However, there was one tiny problem with that plan; oatmeal is disgusting. That is, until you learn the right way to prepare it. I’m going to give you a tutorial of how I make my oatmeal (I’m exposing my super-secret recipe for you and you only), so you can enjoy a nice, healthy breakfast as well.

Things you will need:

- Oatmeal

- Almond milk

- Cinnamon powder

- Chia seeds

- Peanut butter

- Frozen blueberries

How to:

The first step is to prepare your oatmeal. This can be any oatmeal you want. I usually eat the ‘AH havermout proteine’ for some extra protein in my meal.

To prepare the oatmeal I put 30g of oatmeal into a small pot, and I add 150ml of almond milk. I use almond milk because I think it tastes better than regular milk (and also because I’m lactose intolerant but… minor detail). I put the pot on the stove on high heat, and I slowly add some cinnamon to it while stirring the oatmeal. Once it starts bubbling, put it on a lower heat and wait until it is a thicker consistency.

After this, you can turn off the heat and put your oatmeal in a bowl. Now it’s time for the fun part! Toppings! This is completely customizable to your liking, but as I’m telling you my ‘recipe’ right now, I’m going to tell you how I eat it. I start by adding a small amount of chia seeds on top. Chia seeds are considered a ‘super food’ because they are packed with nutrients and antioxidants. So, by adding some chia seeds on your oatmeal, you are adding to your health.

Besides chia seeds, I also like to put some peanut butter on my oatmeal. Now, watch out that you don’t just lather it in peanut butter, because that would make this breakfast unhealthy again. I use about 8g (yes, I weighed it. I am that person) so I can get the taste, but not the unnecessary number of calories.

Last but not least, I add some frozen blueberries. I love frozen blueberries because they are cheap, healthy and refreshing. Frozen blueberries contain plenty of vitamin K, vitamin C, vitamin B6, and fibre.

Are you convinced to add this healthy breakfast to your daily routine yet?