Due to having to deal with a lot of stress, changes, personal or global crises, we tend to find comfort and ease through relying on various well-known and easily accessible forms of escapism from the unpleasant reality. Things such as being on TikTok, watching movies, reading, texting and the list goes on and on. Lately, however, more and more people, especially young adults, are starting to discover that the effects of such activities are short-term. Therefore, they are now looking for another way of dealing with all of life’s difficulties, which has led them to spirituality.
Spirituality. This could mean a lot of different things for various people, but in its core concept lies the ideas of boundless freedom, true connection with yourself, with others, and all that surrounds us. That connection is built upon the three main aspects that unite us all as human beings- the mind, the body, and the soul.
Well-known examples of practicing spirituality would be through yoga, meditation, journaling, different forms of therapy, and self-care. Not only that, but nowadays through social media, a lot of other ways have become well-known to all, such as crystals healing and tarot card readings. People have been interested in the mentioned for centuries and using them for attracting positive vibrations, healing through the natural elements such as sun and moon, and as well as for guidance.
However, these are only some forms of approaching the matter out of many. You can, of course, do all the above, but you can also do some or none at all! That’s probably the best part of it all. The freedom and endless possibilities that suit your own personal needs and wants.
It is mostly believed that you need to truly dedicate a lot of your time to be able to genuinely dive into the depths of spirituality, but frankly, the biggest step you can take towards your journey would be to open yourself up for the unknown and give all possibilities ahead of you and upcoming events some time to unwind. Everyone’s experiences vary, but what unites us all is the seeking for purpose and meaning in our lives. We are driven by a force that makes us demand more love, care, happiness, fulfillment, acceptance, productivity, and the list goes on and on. But when do we stop to question where that inexplicable desire comes from? What is it that makes us not be content with what we already have in our lives? Why are we constantly chasing something? These are all questions that we need to give ourselves the time and attention to answer at some point, in order to be able to start debunking the deceptions and have some clarity about what it is that works just right for us, individually.
We all have distressful moments in our life and are seeking for something that can help us through them. Although that could be frankly tricky. In the sense of spirituality, that relates to the tendency we might have to over-consume and over-do specific things. That could easily result in an overpowering matter. That’s why it’s important to be able to recognize when we start doing so, or at best, beforehand. This will allow ceasing the action in time before it has turned into the next thing you cling to immediately when not knowing what to do.
Having a healthy relationship with yourself and being aware of how you’re feeling in your own body, is probably the most important aspect of everything. The essence of all that we are doing, no matter what that is, could be embodied in self-awareness. Some simple ways for you to practice this would be to notice your emotions when they are rising to the surface. Then, acknowledge the following actions that you take, and not judge yourself. Instead, you should try to accept everything as it is. Self-progress doesn’t happen so easily and rapidly, so taking the time to let yourself feel could be life-changing!
Being present
My favourite spiritual author and teacher, Eckhart Tolle, whose most famous books, The Power of Now and A New Earth: Awakening Your Life’s Purpose, explore topics such as attachment to ego, conscious and present living. They provide insightful and enlightening spiritual inspiration that could change your life for the better. Eckhart insightfully mentioned in A New Earth "It is through gratitude for the present moment that the spiritual dimension of life opens up." This exact saying conveys and highlights the idea that, possibly, the most effective way to access one’s own spirituality would be through being present, and accepting everything as it is and as it comes.
Both books are must-reads for everyone that has even a slight interest in the themes. You can find and pick them up in the student library, located in the Horizon building. You can dive deeper into what the library has to offer. https://www.buas.nl/library.
Hopefully, even find your next favourite book through it!