With all of us sitting at home right now and all sports centres closed it might be more difficult to stay active and in shape. And when searching the web, it is not always easy to find a clear and effective workout schedule that you can do from home. However, I have found exactly what you might be looking for! Free workout programs that you can do in the smallest spaces with nothing else but your own body. Any cardio or fitness equipment can be used by you to complete these training tips.

Chloe Ting

Have you ever heard of Chloe Ting? Started her own YouTube channel in 2011 and has grown to 3.35M subscribers by creating weekly workout videos and healthy food recipes! Aside from that, FREE workout programs are available to follow in case you want to work towards a certain goal.

From a ‘2 Weeks Shred Challenge’ to a ‘3 weeks Lean Arm Challenge’ or an “Hourglass: Abs & Butt Program.” She has a wide variety of different programs to train certain parts of your body or just to stay active and focused in general for both girls and guys. And she keeps adding more programs to them. If you want to get your summer body ready for June 2020, you should definitely check her out!

Workout Programs

YouTube Channel

4 Tips To Stay Active

However, maybe full exercise schedules aren’t really your thing, but you still want to get rid of that languid feeling you get when sitting behind your laptop all day? For you, we also have some tips that might help you out.

1) Take short active breaks during the day. It can be difficult sometimes when there is a high workload. You end up working on school activities all day. However, if you want to work as effective as possible these breaks will do you good. Especially when during these breaks you go for a walk around the house, clean your room, or do something else that involves physical activity.

2) Stand up. Reduce your sedentary time by standing up whenever possible. Ideally this would be every 30 minutes. Too busy to do that? Maybe you can grab a stag of books and work on assignments while standing.

3) Relax. If you want to stay physically active, your mind needs to be too. Meditation and deep breaths can help you remain calm and focused. An example of a simple exercise could be taking deep breaths for 1 minute. Or if you rather do meditation you use free apps such as Headspace. These exercises can take up 3 to 10 minutes of your day. You could do it in the morning, so you start your workday with a relaxed mind or maybe in between assignments to clear your head and get rid of stress.

4) Stay healthy and hydrated. We all know that saying “stay hydrated.” Well believe it or not, it is super important. Try to drink 2 litres of water a day and make sure to include fruits and vegetables in your meals. Limit the intake of salt, sugar and fat. It will give you that extra boost to get through the day and nail all those assignments you need to deliver!

Join us by following these steps and get yourself energised every day!