Hey there, fellow academic adventurers in the Netherlands!  Are you broke but feel that navigating Dutch finances is as tricky as solving a Rubik's Cube blindfolded? Fear not – we've got your back!  

DUO, or Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs, is your educational financial ally in the Netherlands. This government agency takes the lead in executing education policies and managing financial support programs and in this article we will make sure you know all your options. 

OPTION 1: The DUO Loans – Fueling Your Student Life 

DUO comes to the rescue with tuition and cost of living loans, ensuring you can focus on acing your studies without constantly checking your bank balance. The tuition loan covers academic fees, while the cost of living loan provides that extra financial push for your everyday expenses. Remember, though, any funds you snag from a DUO loan will need to be repaid post-graduation – consider it an investment in your student journey! 

Vital conditions for DUO Loan eligibility: 

A. You're under 30. 

B. You're from an EU/EEA country or Switzerland, or you're from the UK with a Dutch Article 50 residence permit. 

C. You're enrolled full-time or dually for a bachelor's, master's, or associate degree in the Netherlands. 

D. Your study lasts at least 1 year (which, of course, every BUas study does!). 

Don't forget: For your Tuition Loan, snag a document from the university stating the exact tuition amount. It's a small step for a big financial win! 

OPTION 2: The DUO Grants – Gifts for Your Future Self 

In the DUO financial superhero team, we have basic grants and supplementary grants. The basic grant throws in a monthly lifeline for living expenses, while the supplementary grant swoops in if your parents' income is on the lower side. The beauty here? These grants have a retroactieve effect, meaning you can request support for months that have already passed. Best part? You don't need to pay them back if you graduate within 10 years – a present for your future self! 

The eligibility for the grants is a bit more strict, but totally achievable as you need to fit in just one of the following categories:  

A. You've lived in the Netherlands for 5 years or more. 

B. You work at least 32 hours per month in the Netherlands, or have a monthly income of at least 50% of the welfare standard. 

C. Your non-Dutch parent or partner is or was a migrant worker with a nationality from an EU/EEA country or Switzerland. They work at least 32 hours per month in the Netherlands, or have or had a monthly income of at least 50% of the social assistance standard. 

For most international students, the 32 hours of work per month category is the sweet spot. In that case gather these documents before applying: 

A. Your signed employment contract. 

B. Last pay slip with bank statement. 

C. For less than 32 hours of work per month: pay slips with associated bank statements from the past 6 months. 

For the Supplementary Grant: 

D. Your parents' employment contract and income statement from 2 years before your grant application. 


- All applications can be done and monitored on the DUO website 

- Check out DUO’s website for handy calculator tools to figure out your financial eligibility.  

- Double-check all docs before hitting submit. Smooth application, smooth financial journey. 

- Keep tabs on your DUO account for updates – things can change, and you want to stay in the loop. 

- Expect a bit of a wait if you reach out to DUO's customer service – it's a bustling place with students like you seeking answers. 

In conclusion, conquering the DUO student financing system is your passport to a carefree academic journey in the Netherlands. Bid farewell to financial stress and embrace a supportive system designed to help you flourish.  

Hungry for more insights? Tune in below to the Shit Happens ft. Know Your Rights podcast for real student experiences and valuable tips and tricks.