Kerstvakantie 2023 (Winter holidays) is just around the corner. For many people that means family dinners and celebration, but is that the case for everyone?
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Mental Health Awareness
When you think about loneliness and isolation the first image that pops up into your mind is often elderly people in nursing homes. However, lots of students are struggling silently, especially the ones who live far away from their families and are unable to celebrate holidays at home with their loved ones.

Mental Health Issues
For many young people, speaking up about their struggles and asking for help can be a challenge for several reasons. Perhaps they have difficulties with finding someone who will listen to them without criticizing or invalidating their feelings. Their family members might not be that supportive, and booking an appointment with a therapist might seem scary or impossible. This often leads to bottled up emotions and students searching for ways to cope on their own.
In addition to this, we discovered that students are not willing to talk to a counselor or a therapist as they consider it to be unhelpful. But we decided to take that step for you and, after having a consultation with one of them, we came up with alternatives to an “intimidating” therapy session.
Tips to Improve Your Mental Health
Actually, how is that going to help you if we don’t even know you? There is no universal solution to the problems we all face. Research shows that people expect a quick fix to their issues and always look for a way to solve them forever. That is not the case with mental health. So, what you can do is accept that this will be a long, uncomfortable process which can lead to a positive outcome if you are consistent.
And you don’t have to do something extraordinary – start small. Even the smallest act of kindness can be beneficial for your own wellbeing, or even someone else’s.
For example, you are feeling lonely and you don’t know how to overcome this. Joining a club related to something you’re interested in, or a certain community, can help you, but so can talking to one of your classmates – the goal is to find someone who you feel comfortable with. Here at BUas we have clubs, associations and communities as well. Additionally, interacting with an animal can also boost your mental health; however, try to talk to at least one (human) person per day.
What happens if you don’t feel like talking about your problems? Then you can always be the one who checks up on others and makes sure they are okay. As surprising as it sounds, this small gesture has a positive impact for both sides.
Call a loved one and show that you care about them. You will not only put a smile on their face, but you will also feel the "helper's high". Studies show that this sensation occurs when you do something good for others and your brain releases the hormones of happiness – endorphins.
On the other hand, some students might not feel comfortable talking and would prefer to express their feelings in written word. Simply grab a postcard, write a small meaningful message and give it to someone important to you.
And what happens when you are on your own? Although individual activities such as journaling your thoughts, exercising or listening to music are always an option, it is human nature to strive for connection. It is proven that journaling and reading books is good for your mental health. Despite this, at least 1 in 4 students still feel lonely.
Now take some time to think about what drives you. Your passion. Your source of energy. Find the people that share your vision and try to connect with them. We already know a lot about ourselves, we just need time to think and find the answer within us. And, after all, there are so many people in the world facing the same issue – so let's all make these holidays a bit less lonely and spread some extra positivity.
Tips to Improve Other’s Mental Health
What tips would you give to people feeling lonely?
- Talk to at least 1 person a day.
- Find an animal. This could mean owning one, but it could also be the pet of someone else.
- Message somebody and talk about your day or something fun.
- Alternatively, call somebody to talk about your day or something fun you have done.
- Student clubs provide a great extra activity to participate in and to gain more social contact with other students.
- Find a study mate. This can help you with your school projects, but you can also have fun chats and social connection together.
- Find a hobby.
- Try to be more social and less shy. Of course, this can be very hard but if you find a fun hobby/activity that you like to do it's easier to talk with somebody about it. You might also share the same interests which can maybe lead to new friendships.
- Work. It can be simply to focus on something else – a distraction. Work can also lead to new options like meeting new people in a different way. It can also turn into a hobby you like to do.
- Write down one positive thing a day (enjoying the smallest things).
Search to find exercises to learn to communicate better.