Are you bored out of your mind like I am? Schoolwork being the only thing you can do. Quarantined like the rest of the world, staying home and not being able to go out to the stores or to see your friends and family. Then I have the perfect idea for you! Re-organise your room, without spending money.


We will start with something easy, your closet. Pull out all of your clothes. I don’t know how it works for you, but when I’m cleaning my room I always make the mess worse before cleaning everything up. Once you have taken out all your clothes decide what you want to keep and what you want to give away, throw away, or sell (you can use the app Vinted or United Wardrobe). Once you’ve tried everything on, maybe you even did a fashion show, sort them. You can do this multiple ways. You can colour code them, so hang/stack everything according to the colour spectrum. Or you can hang/stack your clothes according to season. So you will have your clothes for summer, fall, winter, and last but not least spring sorted. Stack/hang the clothes for the season you are in, so right now spring, at the spot in your closet you can reach the easiest.


Now, let’s move on to the drawers. Again, pull everything out and see what you want to give away, throw away, or sell. It depends on what you have in your drawers, but make sure that you organise your items so that when you open them you can immediately find what you were looking for. See what items fit together and which are more useful and less useful. Put the most useful items in the top drawers so that you can reach them the easiest. Create a system. For example, put your electronics in one drawer and your art tools in another. Make it easy for yourself.


Moving on to the bookcase. Depending on how many books you have this could be a quick task or a big one. As a book lover, I have quite a few books, so for me, it is a big one. First of all, let’s look at which books you want to keep and which books you want to give away or sell. Now, let’s organise these babies. Again there are multiple ways to do this. You can choose for colour coding them, just like with your clothes. But you can also sort them by genre or height. Put all your romantic novels together, your thrillers, and your fantasy books. If you have a series these obviously belong together then as well. If you want to sort them by height, you can put them from smallest to biggest, or from thinnest to thickest. You can also sort your books by language, put your Dutch books together, your English books together, or of course any other language. And lastly, you can sort your books from favourite to least favourite. Look at that, your bookcase looks as good as new.


Your desk is, together with your bed, the most important piece of furniture in your room in this quarantine. So keep it clean and organised. We can start with your pens and pencils. Test them, see if they still work. If they don’t work anymore, throw them away. Then you can organise them, you can keep your pens and pencils in different boxes or cases. You can colour code them as well. After your pens, you can move onto your notebooks, see which are still relevant to you and which you can still use. Throw away the ones that are not needed anymore. If you have drawers in your desk organise these as explained above. Keep your desk clean and empty. This way, it is easier for yourself to keep concentrated and motivated.

Rearrange furniture

This is the part in which your room is going to look new. Move around your bed, closet(s), desk, cupboards, or any other furniture. Place your bed in another corner, move your closet to the other wall, and maybe your desk would look better at the window instead so that you have more natural light while working. Rearrange your furniture so that your room looks more open and less cluttered. Move around your accessories and put them in different spots. Move around your wall art and see in which spots this works best. Play with it. To make your room look different than before, more open, this is one way to do it. Move your drapes. If you raise your curtains several centimetres above your window and several centimetres wider than your window, it will make your room look much bigger!

Second life

See what you still have laying around in your house. For example, do you still have some wall paint? Paint your walls, this immediately gives your room a different feel! You can also choose to make one wall stand out with a pattern. Make this really special and fitting with your room! The paint you still have could also be used to upgrade old furniture, give it a new colour and it will look brand new. See what you can use to spice up your room! I hope this was helpful to deal with your boredom and maybe even decluttered your room. Stay safe and healthy and take care of each other!