In todays digitalized world there’s so much going on, that it’s hard to keep track of everything in this chaotic jungle of notifications, distractions, and opportunities. On top of that, there are the many demands placed on us students while we are on the journey of reaching adulthood. Something that is so vague that no one really has an explanation of how it works. Nevertheless, there are ways that will make it easier. 

Start somewhere 

It doesn’t matter what goal you have. Once you have something on your mind, you know where your path should go, like this you can always make sure you stay on the right track. Write it down, so it is clearer for you where you want to go. Goals can also change, there is nothing wrong with that. Just keep in mind where you want to go and don't lose focus in too many projects you have started. 

Keep climbing the mountain 

Keep on working to reach your goals, even if it’s hard some days. When you’re doing it more and more, it will become more natural. Therefore, you’ll find power in routine, because you get used to something and it gives you a safe feeling in the everyday life. 

Cheat days are essentia

Although consistency is important, there is no such thing as perfection. It can be too much if your day was rough, and you just don’t feel like working on a project after class or reading 10 pages of a book. You need cheat days, simply because they are also there to make your progress easier and life more enjoyable. If you want to reach a goal from zero to a hundred in a short space of time you won’t succeed, because change takes a lot of effort and if the change is too extreme, you’ll find yourself frustrated and giving up very fast. 

 Focusing through filtering 

When everything starts to become too much, set priorities. So, if you must finish an important essay and want to go out with your friends later, skip those 10 pages. Think about what the most important things are for you and think about what makes you happy on a long-term basis. Some days it can be better not to do too much because of your mental health. Then it’s the best just to have social time with the people you care about and doing the minimum for school. This is very different for every person. 

Discharge to recharge 

Keep in mind where you want to go and if something doesn’t feel right, have the courage to say “no”. People can be disappointed because of your “no”, but if you help everyone and you don’t have time left for yourself and for your well-being, then you won't be able to help anyone else anymore. 

No one is born a master

So, I come to the end of this article. It turned out completely different from what I thought it was going to be, but I have reached my goal to finish this task and I am quite happy with it. There is clearly also the fear that the article could be not good enough. But this is one last point I would like to mention: Don't be afraid of making mistakes. So, if I get a lot of criticism for what I do, I will be able to improve in writing and that is a goal of mine. 

To sum up: write down what you want to achieve daily and in the long-term. Start working for your big goals in small steps, then continue until you have a good routine. Every now and then it is helpful and important to take care of yourself. Last but not least look back at what you have already achieved. As seeing what you have achieved and being grateful for it will make things easier. You can be proud of all the hurdles you have overcome in the chaotic jungle to get where you are now.