I used to go to the gym.

This, however, is in the past. Now, I barely have the motivation to get up and change into my workout clothes and go. I have a lot of trouble motivating myself to get up and do it. I always need that little push from my friends or my family members. My father is an outdoor runner for years and has tried for so long to get me on board, without any luck.

I don’t mind not working out. However, frustration kicks in during the evening when I realize, I again did not do it.

If you are anything like me and recognize some of these points, take a look at the list down below to get some tips on how to motivate yourself to get up and do that workout!

1. Dress for the occasion

There is, in my opinion, no better motivation to get up and do it, when you put on your gym clothes, the moment you wake up. I am also picky about the look of my gym clothes. This way, I feel that I am obliged to work out. When I feel good in my gym clothing, that gives me the feeling that I can rock that gym session. It’s like a psychology trick.

2. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger

Set a goal for yourself; and no matter what it is, make it clear. Do you want to lose weight or gain weight? Set a goal, such as ‘Alright, I want to lose or gain XX kilo’s (by this date) or I want to achieve that 10-kilometre distance in running. This gives you something to work towards. No vague descriptions such as: ‘I want to live a healthier lifestyle’. Yes, that is a good goal for sure, but what exactly do you want to achieve and how do you want to do that? You can achieve a healthier lifestyle by not taking that second plate of delicious pasta or that Mars chocolate bar that is whispering your name on the candy shelf in the pantry closet. That doesn’t help you get any further when you want to motivate yourself in achieving your goal.

3. Ain’t no mountain high enough

Still think you can’t do it because you are not fit enough, have an injury or no time? Stop making small excuses. You can find the time or train another muscle than your injured one.

4. With a little help from my friends

Get a workout buddy! When there is someone who is waiting for you, you automatically feel like you are probably obliged to go. You can’t cancel your friends, so last minute, right? Besides that, I always get a little competitive when I see a friend doing something. I try to push myself to do better, even if that means that I only run half a kilometre more or lifting just a little bit heavier.

5. Do what you love

To make working out and finding the motivation to do so easier, find something that you really like or love. There are so many different ways to work out. If you are not sure what you like, try multiple things. You don’t like running or going to a typical gym? Maybe opt for e.g. swimming, dance, or something a little more extreme such as Bootcamp. I know that Bress, here in Breda, offers a lot of different kind of activities! These activities are either in a partner location or at their own gym locations.

6. The winner takes it all

Did you complete that workout? Reward yourself! Maybe a Magnum Double Caramel ice cream isn’t the best idea (otherwise you did all the work for nothing, and we don’t want that), but rather opt for a nice cracker with apricot marmalade and cinnamon, or that latest episode of your favourite series that you have been waiting for the past week! We all want something to look forward to, or to have a feeling of achievement right?

7. You are beautiful

You don’t have to work out if the reason is that society tells you to. You work out because you want to take care of your body, and maybe want to achieve a goal. Always remind yourself that you are beautiful, just the way you are. You don’t have to change for someone else. You do this for yourself.

Good luck with your new-found motivation!