“I always plan to go to bed early, yet never do.” Are you a night owl, but are you striving to go to bed earlier, as early birds do? Maybe these tips can help you.

1. Share your intention

Decide on a time you want to go to bed and tell your roommate or a family member. If you live alone, telling a good friend can help. It is harder to ignore your goal if you know someone will see or ask if you succeeded. The more people you tell, the better. Chances are, you don’t want to ‘fail’ in the eyes of others, so you are dedicated to going to bed earlier.

2. Remind yourself of your bedtime

“I can watch one more episode, just one,”  is something you might have said to yourself. Make sure you set reminders for yourself, like for example your alarm, once you’ve decided on a time you want to go to bed. Often we are so occupied with checking our social media, watching a series, or even doing homework, that hours pass by before realizing it. Make sure you recall your set bedtime and you will be grateful the next day. There are apps that could help you, like for example the ‘Sleep Time Reminder – Sleeping Companion’ app or the ‘Sleep Away’ app. And as you might have already heard from your study coach: ‘Mirro’ also offers a module for when you are having trouble sleeping.

3. Plan your time

Do not only plan the time you want to go to sleep, but also plan the rest of your evening or even your whole day. Often, when I have had a busy day, I feel like I deserve to do something fun before going to bed. Even when it’s already pretty late. Make sure you plan your day and include a moment to unwind before you go to bed. If you know you are on schedule, it is easier to go to bed early and with a mind that is at ease.

4. A restful bedroom

Make sure your bedroom is a place where you can sleep in peace. It can help to not turn the heat up too high and to make sure the room is completely dark. Also, try not to have too many distractions in the room. This way, when you go to bed, you can focus on going to sleep, instead of getting distracted.

5. If you worry

Maybe, once your head touches the pillow, you start to worry about all kinds of things. If this is you, maybe it is a good idea to not push yourself to fall asleep too hard. Most of the time, the worrying will not stop automatically. Instead, you will get frustrated, because you cannot sleep. In this case, try to read a book, listen to some calming music, write your thoughts down to literally write them away, try mindfulness, meditate (click here for an article about meditating) or do something else that makes you relaxed. This doesn’t mean you should go to bed hours later, but try to do something relaxing for a few minutes. After that, you go to bed. This could be more helpful than forcing yourself to sleep right away.

Good night everyone!