Tag: youtube

January 4, 2021

3 videos of my list of deeply recommended content on YouTube

Selecting three YouTube videos is the same as selecting only three of your favourite Instagram pages โ€“ hard. Nowadays we have access to so much content and so [โ€ฆ]
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December 26, 2020

Top 5 YouTube Channels for Film Enthusiasts

You donโ€™t need to be a media student to love a good movie or a great TV show. If you find analyzing scenes, scripts, characters, and learning more [โ€ฆ]
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September 3, 2020

No shame in being lazy

It seems that quarantine has split people into two categories: the productive ones and the not-so-much productive ones. I belong to the second category. I canโ€™t lie, I [โ€ฆ]
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